Terms and conditions of the newsletter

Newsletter service regulations


1. GlobTree Ltd. based in Olsztyn, ul. Trylińskiego 16, registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the District Court in Olsztyn VIII Economic Department of the National Court Register under KRS no. 0000304081, REGON 280292161, NIP 7393679238, e-mail: info@globtree.pl, hereinafter referred to as “GlobTree”) defines in these Regulations the rules of using the Newsletter service (hereinafter referred to as “Newsletter”).

2. Before signing up for the Newsletter, you must carefully read the contents of these Terms and Conditions.

3. The Newsletter service may be used by a natural person, or a legal person acting through an authorized person, or an organizational unit without legal personality, to which the law grants legal capacity, having full legal capacity (also: “User”). If the User is an individual with limited legal capacity, if so required, the User agrees to obtain the legally effective consent of his/her legal representative to conclude the Newsletter Service Agreement (hereinafter also: the “Agreement”) and to present such consent at any request of GlobTree, with the Agreement, as a rule, having the nature of an agreement commonly concluded for minor day-to-day matters. GlobTree does not charge Users for providing the Newsletter service.

4. As part of the Newsletter, GlobTree will send commercial information via electronic mail (e-mail) to the electronic mail (e-mail) address provided by the user. The Newsletter service is provided free of charge for an indefinite period of time until the user cancels the service or until GlobTree terminates the service, which may happen at any time.

5. Messages sent within the Newsletter shall contain information on products and services offered by GlobTree and its cooperating entities, current promotions and other information concerning GlobTree and its cooperating entities, including opinions, events, news, etc. Sending messages within the Newsletter constitutes the transmission of commercial information by e-mail and the use of the user’s telecommunications terminal device for direct marketing purposes. It is done with the user’s consent expressed by subscribing to the Newsletter in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations.

6. Each message within the Newsletter, in addition to the elements indicated in Section 4 hereof, shall contain:

    • Information about as the sender of the Newsletter,
    • filled “Subject” field specifying the content of the Newsletter,
    • A link for unsubscribing from the Newsletter.

7. The use of the Newsletter is subject to the user having an active electronic mail (e-mail) account and a device with access to the Internet allowing to read messages coming to the user’s e-mail.

8. The Newsletter is ordered by the user performing the following actions in the form on the website of the store https://sklep.globtree.pl/:

    • entering a valid electronic mail (e-mail) address of the user (providing this address is necessary to use the Newsletter service);
    • Clicking the confirmation button to subscribe to the Newsletter,
    • logging in by the user at the electronic mail (e-mail) address provided in the form,
    • familiarizing oneself with the content of these Terms and Conditions, a link to which is included in an automatic e-mail sent by GlobTree to the e-mail address provided in the form,
    • Clicking on the link confirming subscription to the Newsletter, placed in the above-mentioned message sent by GlobTree. automatic email.

When signing up for the Newsletter as part of the above. form, the user is provided with basic information on the principles of processing personal data in connection with receiving the Newsletter in a concise form. Detailed information on the rules of processing personal data in connection with receipt of the Newsletter can be found on the website: https://sklep.globtree.pl/regulamin-newslettera/.

The User’s personal data is processed by GlobTree as a personal data controller in order to provide the Newsletter service.

9. Provision of personal data by the User is voluntary, but necessary in order to use the Newsletter service, subject to paragraph. below. 10.

10. GlobTree allows Users to use the Newsletter service anonymously in a situation where the e-mail address provided by the User does not allow for identification of the User, and the User has not provided GlobTree with other personal data.

11. You have the right to access your personal data, including requesting a copy of your data, requesting rectification, restriction of processing or deletion of your data and cancellation of the Newsletter service, transfer of your personal data, e.g. to another administrator, filing a complaint with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.

12. Clicking on the link confirming subscription to the Newsletter causes that the user’s electronic mail address (e-mail) will be used from then on for the Newsletter service.

(13) The User may cancel the Newsletter at any time, without giving any reason and without incurring costs, by clicking on the link located in the footer of each message sent within the Newsletter.

14 The Newsletter service is provided for an indefinite period of time.

15. Discontinuation of sending the Newsletter to the provided e-mail address shall be made without undue delay, but no later than 30 days from the date of cancellation.

16. Complaints about the Newsletter can be submitted:

    • via email to sklep@globtree.pl.

17. The notification of a complaint should include, in particular: a description of the matter to which the complaint relates, the electronic mail (e-mail) address provided when signing up for the Newsletter and the electronic mail (e-mail) or traditional mailing address to which a response to the complaint is to be sent.

18. Consideration of the complaint and response on the manner of its consideration will be made within fourteen days from the date of receipt of the application by GlobTree. The User will be informed about the handling of the complaint in accordance with the details indicated in the complaint application.

19. Exclusive rights to all elements, including works as defined in the Law on Copyright and Related Rights of February 4, 1994. (Journal of Laws No. 24, item 83, as amended), provided by GlobTree or GlobTree’s partners, in particular copyright, shall be vested in GlobTree or entities with which GlobTree has entered into relevant agreements. The user is entitled to use the above. content free of charge exclusively for your own personal use and for the sole purpose of the correct use of the Newsletter service, worldwide. The use of the aforementioned content to a different extent is permitted only on the basis of express prior consent, given by an authorized entity, in writing under pain of nullity.

20. These Regulations are available free of charge at www.globtree.pl in a form that makes it possible to acquire, reproduce and record the contents of these Regulations by means of the data communications system used by the User.

21 The Regulations shall constitute a model contract within the meaning of Art. 384 § 1 of the Civil Code Act of April 23, 1964. (OJ 1964 No. 16, item 93, i.e., OJ 2023, item 1610).

22. The law applicable to the Contract shall be the law of the Republic of Poland, and the courts, the common courts of the Republic of Poland.

23. GlobTree reserves the right to amend these regulations. All contracts for the delivery of the Newsletter concluded before the effective date of the new regulations are executed on the basis of the regulations that were in effect on the date of the contract. The amendment to the regulations shall come into force within 7 days of publication on www.globtree.pl. GlobTree will inform users 7 days prior to the effective date of the new regulations of the change by means of an e-mail message. If the user does not accept the new content of the regulations, he/she is obliged to notify GlobTree, which will result in termination of the contract.